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Worm Composting Indoors

How to create and maintain and indoor worm composting bin.

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A worm composting bin, known as a vermicomposter, can be fairly inexpensive and easy to maintain. There are several ways to vermicompost. Below are instructions on how to build one kind of worm composting bin designed to be used inside. It is also possible to purchase worm composting bins. You will want to put your bin in an indoor space as you do not want the red wigglers to freeze in the winter or get too warm in the summer. Additionally, you may want to put the bin in a basement or other out-of-the-way space since you will be producing organic compost via worm castings and worm “tea” in the worm bin.

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1 thought on “Worm Composting Indoors

  1. Excellent!

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